Friday, 17 June 2016

How I Spend My Evenings...

Hi everyone,
As it is a Friday night and all of my exams are over, I thought I would right a new post. This was not really planned so I am sorry if it is a bit all over the place but I like the idea of this post. Now, I am not the most productive person ever, but I thought I would share with you ways I spend my evening. Almost like a evening routine, enjoy!

Let's just get the worst one out of the way first (right?). As much as well all might not like homework, it is impossible to avoid. I struggle to get motivated to do my homework but on an evening where I feel motivated or productive I will do it then. Trust me, I am not that kind of person to do homework as soon as I am set it, just because I do not like the pressure of getting it done that same night, but I still (sometimes) do it.

Binge Watch TV Programmes
This is probably my guilt pleasure, if you know me, you know I am quite a fan over tv shows. I know it's not the best achievement but I am known for watching a season of PLL in two days (OOPS!). Currently I am hooked on Teen Wolf, but it is something new every so often, as it doesn't take me that long to finish. I find that by watching tv really relaxes me and gets my in a calmer state of mind.

Blog Work
This is quite a broad point, but I couldn't leave it out. This probably is one of my favorite things to do as I love reading your feedback. I have said "Blog Work" as I could be replying to comments, taking blog photos, social media updates, writing up posts, editing photos and so on. This always puts me in a happier mood and so I don't treat it like work.

I know a lot of people might not like the sound of this but I love working out in the evenings. Apparently it is better to workout in the morning but I much prefer it at the end of the day. There are endless ways of working out but a few of my favorites are dancing, walking my dogs, sprinting or a five to ten minute workout. By doing this I just feel a lot more energized (but the next morning is a whole other story) and it helps to clear my mind.

 I really hope that you enjoyed this post, sorry that it was a little random but It was something a little different for my blog. Have a great day!
Grace xx 


  1. Binge watching TV programs is literally my life haha! x
    Morgan |

  2. Lovely post! I'm the same as you with homework- some nights I'm not motivated at all but some nights I am! I love binge watching tv shows and when I first started watching PLL I watched a whole season is two days as well! X


  3. I love spending my evenings blogging! I love it too so I would never call in work! Well done for finishing your exams xx

    Thrifty vintage fashion

  4. Lovely post, I normally do my homework the evening before it is due because I can never be motivated to do it, oops xx

    1. Haha, I am guilty of that too, don't worry!xx

  5. I always leave homework to the last minute as most of the time its boring things that no one likes!
    Amy xx

    1. Exactly but I guess it just has to be done!xx
