Friday 8 March 2019


Everyone seems to have very different opinions about astrology and star signs, some believe it, some depend on it and some people think that it is a load of rubbish. For me personally, I like to believe it but I don't let myself become dependent on it. As of recently though, I have became fascinated with my personality traits and whether they reflect the star sign I am, so I wanted to talk about that today. I feel like you are either going to love this post or hate this post, but either way, it is allowing me to reflect on my personality and whether it lines up well with my star sign personality traits. If you know me personally, also, this post might explain a lot for you. 
Before I get into the personality traits, I just want to say that there is so much more to astrology than star signs. As for my star sign though, I am a Cancer. It is normal for someone not to have all Cancer traits if their star sign is a Cancer and that is because of your birth chart which contains other star signs that are your rising sign, moon sign and so on. However, in my case, my star sign is a Cancer, my moon sign is a Cancer and my rising sign is a Scorpio. A Scorpio is a water sign a long with a Cancer and so it is pretty likely for me that I am going to have a lot of these Cancer traits because of how much they dictate my birth chart. If you want to know about your birth chart then I will leave a link HERE which will take you to a good website you can use and maybe you might learn a little bit more about yourself. 

1. Super Moody
This is a huge conception about Cancers and I think the main reason it comes about so much is that the planet that represents Cancers is the moon and so the different phases of the moon are suppose to represent a change in mood for a Cancer, I guess. To be honest, I am completely like this. I find that I have a very changeable mood, I can very easily go from happy to sad or angry to forgiving, it is just very quick and easy for me to do. This characteristic also made me laugh a lot when I was reading into it because I know a lot of people around me think that I am very moody and so this could explain it. 

2. Friendly
I would love to consider myself as a friendly person, but speaking truthfully, I know that it isn't always true. This can also be interpreted in lots of different ways, but what this triat is trying to say is that, when you first meet a Cancer, you are suppose to like them and get along with them straight away. Again, I don't know whether this is fully true for me. I always find it really difficult to initiate a conversation, especially when it is with someone I don't know, and so I would really consider myself as a super friendly person, in this case. I also find myself to be pretty unsocial and as much as I try to come across as nice, I do think that some people could take it as being the opposite and so I don't really agree with this one

3. Shy
This is another pretty common trait and that is because of the symbol for a Cancer. The symbol for a Cancer is a Crab and obviously, a crab has a shell which lots of people interpret as the Cancer's home and, a crab is very comfortable in its own shell and likes to sort of stay that way. I would definitely say that I am shy and timid to an extent. Like I said before, I am pretty unsocial and I find talking to people to be difficult for me sometimes but saying that, I think that once you get to know me, I definitely turn into a much more talkative and entthusiastic person. 

4. Guarded
This is linked to being shy, because it again has to do with the whole crab and shell thing but I think that this trait is definitely the most accurate one I carry. I definitely don't want to call myself fake but I definitely find it very easy to come across as someone I'm not because of this guarded trait. This is to do with a constant need of wanting to feel protected and I definitely get that. I am very much a very concious person, I would never put myself at risk of anything. Even to do with the smaller things though, I find that a lot of people don't know me as well as they think they do and I think that comes from me being so guarded. I definitely keep a lot to myself, with you could class as a good or a bad thing, but that is definitely the case for me. 

5. Fear rejection
Once again, this has got to do with being guarded and shy, and the shell again but I wanted to mention this one seperately anyway. I definitely think that I fear rejection but not on an extreme level which is how Cancers are made out to be. Rejection is something that I don't cope with very well, I tend to dwell on it a lot and a lot of the times, I won't sign up for something if it puts me in a risk of being rejected. However, I think that this is very dependent on the circumstances because somethings I will just not fear being rejected for and others with stop me from trying because I don't want to be rejected. I definitely don't fear rejection in all aspects of my life but I definitely do for a lot of them, so I guess that this is mainly true. 

6. Self doubtful / insecure
I had no idea that this was a Cancer triat, but reading and hearing about it, things started to make more sense. I definitely don't trust myself and I don't consider myself to be extremely confident, so I would definitely say that I am pretty insecure. A lot of the time, I find myself needing reassurance of myself and this extreme sense of insecurity seems to be very common in Cancers which explains so much to me. I am very hard on myself and I am always sort of trying to improve myself due to this sense of never feeling good enough and this could explain where it comes from. Saying that though, I don't know whether my insecurities come from my star sign and my 'inevitable triats' or whether it is just the way I am due to my life experiences, but I guess that is what I am trying to figure out today. Either way, I definitely carry this trait. 

7. Appear as cocky/ confident
I sort of have mixed feelings about this trait because I don't really believe it myself but when I reflect on the conversations I've had and the things I've said before, I could definitely understand why some people would deem it as me being 'cocky' but that was never my intention so I am kind of unsure. I am definitely very insecure internally, but I do think that sometimes I can come across as extremely condifent to disguise that, but I don't think that is the case for the majoirty and so I don't really agree with this. 

8. Considerate/ caring
I would love to consider myself as someone who is caring and I think that links to my next point, because I do tend to be very emotional. A lot of the time, I do find myself asking everyone whether they are okay, several times and I would like to think that I step out of my way to reassure people and to remind them that I care, particularly if they are someone I care about deeply. I'm not sure on the extent I believe this to though because I think sometimes, I can be quite mean so I guess it all depends on where you stand in my life. I think that if you are close to me, then I am a very caring person but I think that if you are an enemy of mine, then I can be the total opposite. 

9. Emotional
This is probably the most common conception about Cancers and it is honestly so true in my case. With majoirity of my signs being water signs, it sort of indicates that I am an extremely emotional person and this can obviously be interpreted in lots of different ways. When I first started looking into star signs, I didn't believe that I was emotional because I never really showed it a lot but the more and more I've thought about it, the more accurate it has became. I still don't always appear as a particuarly  emotional person and I think that is because I am guarded a lot of the time, but internally and mentally, I am extremely emotional and sensitive. This is also combined with me being a huge overthinker. I tend to be very sensitive and so if there is a sudden change in someone's mood, attitude or actions, I will immediately try and find out why and if I don't get an answer, I will so overthink it and become very emotional indelved in this person. I definitely think that I feel emotions more than other people because of how sensitive I am. I find myself to get extremely paranoid and distraught over other people's emotions and I think that is because I am so emotional invested in so many people's lives. 
It is sort of linked to this, and it kind of makes a lot of sense but a lot of people say that because Cancers tend to feel emotions more than anyone else, they tend to get very frustrated when they don't receive that same emotional response. I definitely relate to that. I find myself overthinking and feeling like nobody cares when I don't get a response I want. Lets say I'm upset but because I am so guarded, I don't show it, however, I would still expect someone to ask me if I'm okay and to offer me emotional support, and when I don't get that, I find myself being very frustrated internally. 
This is definitely a trait I wish I didn't have, but it is very much true and so I guess I can't avoid it. 

10. Intuative 
Lots of people say that most psychics tend to be Cancers and that is because they naturally have this gut feeling and intuativeness that no other sign hands. I am definitely not a phychic to begin with but I do find myself encountering a lot of conincidences and I also tend to get a 'gut feeling' in a lot of situations. Saying that though, I don't think I experience anymore coincidences than anyone so I don't really believe this one. As much as I would like to think that I am a phychic and very intuative, I don't think that I am. 

11. Motherly
I knew I needed to talk about this point when I found it because it made me smile reading about it. Basically, why this made me laugh so much was because a lot of people tend to notice me as being the 'mother' of a group of people. I find myself being very protective over people and to be honest, I would say that I can act quite motherly at times. I definitely like to make sure that everyone is safe, organised, protected and prepared so I guess you could say that this quality is pretty true. 

Let me know what you think of this post and definitely let me know in the comments your star sign and whether you agree with it or not!
Grace xx

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