Monday 1 April 2019


It has been quite a while since I have sat down and done this so I am sorry for going on an unplanned hiatus but hopefully, I am going to get back to it very soon. There isn't anything in particular that has kept me from blogging but I think it has been a combination of quite a few things. I just wanted to spend this blog post talking about what I have been up to lately and what my plans are for the near future. 
I think the main reason I haven't been blogging very often is due to a lack of motivation and inspiration. This isn't a chore to me and I never want it to feel like that so I always take a step back whenever I feel like it is becoming a burden but there have also been times where I have wanted to sit down and write a post, but I had no idea what to write about. Over the last six months, I'd say, I really lost myself and I don't really know what I am doing anymore or even who I am and I think that is showing. I don't know what I want to blog about and so I have sort of been doing a bit of everything hoping that someone might like it. I like to be consist though and I like to have a purpose, so I'm just feeling a little stuck because I feel like whatever I like one day, I'll hate by the next. There are obviously a lot of things that I like to talk about and discuss on my blog but I would like to be a bit more consistent with what I am posting about, but I guess we will see what I end up doing, because right now, I have no idea. 
In terms of my personal life also, I have been pretty busy, particularly with school. ALevels did manage to surprise me with how much commitment they were and I now look back thinking about how much spare time I use to have. As much as it is very time consuming and stressful, at times, elements of it are definitely rewarding and in May, I will even be sitting an AS exam, which is scary to say due to how fast it's approaching, but I'm hoping it will run smoothly. Going back to the stressful part though, I am also very scared for the future. I am definitely feeling intimidated by the idea of university and anything to do with making a life-changing decision and as much as I try to put it to the back of my head, my school somehow manages to remind me everyday that I need to make a decision some day. Right now, I am changing my mind daily and I think this only further enhances how lost I feel. 
Anyway, I'm trying to keep my head up and stay afloat to be completely honest right now because I am flucuating in ways I have never done before. I definitely don't know what I am going to do in the near future, and right now, I am just trying to take it day by day, but hoopefully, because it is Easter halfterm, I will get hit with some inspiration and hopefully produce some content very soon. 
I hope you are all doing well!
Grace xx

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