Friday 17 May 2019


 I guess sometimes, it really is about the little things in life that can make the most difference, and especially after a bad day or when you're feeling low, the most simple of things can just help to make your day that bit more bearable. Obviously, everyone has different things that make them happy, but I thought that I would share some brief ideas that definitely help to improve my day and they may also be on your list too.
I also want to point out that a lot of these things help to distract me mainly. Therefore, whether I am anxious, angry or sad, as long as I stay distracted

Music will always be a huge release for me. Not because I am a great singer or musician, but just merely because I like to listen to music that makes me feel good. Particularly when it comes to boosting my mood, I love a good throwbacks playlist. There is no greater feeling than listening to a song that you haven't heard in a while but every time you listen to it, you just get hit with all of the positive vibes. In correlation with this, I would also say to play the music really flipping loud (only if your ears can withhold it). For some reason listening to my music that bit louder makes me feel distracted and energetic in a way. I won't lie, if I am having a bad day, more often then not I will be angry about something and my favourite way to relieve anger is by listening to my music really loud. It doesn't work for everyone, but listening to music that you associate with good memories, positive vibes and great people definitely help me on a bad day.
 The next one is to just message someone who's close to you, maybe they live far away and you don't get to see them often, or you might see them most days, but checking in and asking about someone's day can really help too. I always find that it helps put everything into perspective also. Maybe the person you've messaged is also having a bad day and it reminds you that you're not alone in this, but also if they're telling you all the good things that have been going on for them lately then it also reminds you that this low mood is not going to last forever. Either way, there is always something you can take from talking to just someone about anything and everything. 
Obviously, if you want to tell someone what's going on that maybe has you feeling down or anxious, then this could also make you feel better also. I will say though, not everyone is like this and that is okay. Personally, I never tend to reach out during my bad or anxious days and that's just for my own reasons, so instead, I will just message someone about something different, but it manages to make me feel better, even if they didn't know it. I just find that by generating a conversation with someone, I feel a lot less distant from people, I feel a lot less robotic and generally, it just tends to make me feel better. 

This one is pretty predictable but exercise honestly does wonders on a bad day. I would not consider myself as an angry person but when I am feeling particularly aggravated or irritable or just stressed, I find that pushing myself physically is the best and healthiest way to cope with that feeling. Usually, a run works best for me, mainly because it is the most accessible and it also offers me a big sense of achievement, however, on a more regular basis, I just try and walk as often as possible. Even if you're having a particularly bad day or you don't necessarily need to boost your mood, I still think that exercise is important as it can help decrease your chances of getting in a low state of mind. I know that I definitely need to renew my gym membership soon as exam season is coming up and the gym is my healthiest way of coping with the stress exams generate for me. 
 I guess that this isn't going to work for everyone but just having a bit of time just to be creative and generate something authentic always seems to put me in a better mood. Whether it be drawing or writing or dancing, coming up with something of your own and executing it, just for your own enjoyment, can have the best effects. Personally, my go-to creative outlet is sketching, sometimes I will design clothes or I will do a realistic portrait, whatever I am in the mood for really. Other times, I will just dance freestyle for the fun of it to a song that I am currently loving at that moment in time. I love doing things like this when I feel like I want to, if I find that I just want to draw, then that is what I'll do. It just really helps to take off some pressure, to get distracted and to let time fly also. 
The last one is probably a super popular one and it is one that I always recommend to people, but that is to escape into a fictional world. Whether it be in the form of a book, a film or a tv series, a fictional world really does provide a distraction from your life. Personally, I find a book to be the most effective because it requires the most concentration for me and therefore puts all of my focus onto something that is fictional but if you have a tv show you really love then, it will have a similar sort of effect. I guess this also goes without saying, but don't watch or read anything that you will have negative connotations with or that you'll find triggering. Watch something that you associate with good memories or watch something that you know will make you smile.

This was definitely a very different post for me but nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed. Do let me know what else you would like to see from me in the near future as I am sort of lacking in ideas. 
Grace xx


  1. Nothing that gets me out of a bad mood like sticking my head phones in, blocking out the world, focusing on nothing but the exercise I am doing, and blasting some music! Some great tips here x
    Amber |
