Sunday 2 June 2019


I really want to start sharing my current playlists on my blog as I feel like I am constantly changing and switching up what I listen to. My taste in music is always changing and developing so if you ever have a recommendation for me then please let me know. Hopefully, this might turn into a bit of a series type thing but right now I'm struggling with that sort of commitment, but we will see. But, today I just want to share with you my top ten songs that I am currently listening to and loving. 

Summer Days // Martin Garrix feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump
My brother actually introduced me to this song, and it's a pretty new release, but it is incredible. I love Macklemore, I think he is incredible and has some great songs, which this one is no exception. For me, it is the perfect summer song, it's super upbeat and something that I love to listen to on full volume. Be warned, it is definitely super catchy but I think that I am going to be listening to this constantly over the summer months. 
Dear Society // Madison Beer
I have only recently discovered Madison Beer properly and I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. Currently, I am obsessed with her voice and her Instagram, because she is so beautiful, but her music is so cool. I think that her style is so unique and her voice is just amazing. This song, I'm pretty sure, is her newest release and I just think that it is super original and it's got a lot of depth to it when you listen to the lyrics. I also recommend watching the music video to this as I think that the concept and composition of it all represent the song so well and just adds to the impact of the lyrics. 
Fools // Madison Beer
Another Madison Beer song that I am obsessed with is Fools. This song is so freaking catchy and I just have the best time when I listen to it. I think that it is such bop and I just think that she is, in general, an incredible artist. 
Maybe // Lewis Capaldi
Lewis Capaldi's album came out a few weeks back and obsessed would be an understatement. I think that he is such an incredible artist and he has such an amazing voice. Currently, though, my favourite song of his is Maybe but I won't lie, it's constantly changing. I just love how the beginning is very slow but then the chorus, it all of a sudden has a huge amount of energy and the impact his voice has on the sound is just unreal. His whole album is a recommendation on my behalf, it is insane. 
If I Can't Have You // Shawn Mendes
When I first heard this song, no joke, I must have played it about twenty times in a row, I was hooked. I love Shawn Mendes, I don't know anyone who doesn't but this song might just be his biggest bop yet. There is just something about the lyrics and the sound that seem so authentic but also so current with the music industry right now. I also love the music video to this song, mainly just for how great he looks in it, but still, the song is unreal and I think everyone should listen to it. 
Start Over Again // New Hope Club
So I saw New Hope Club live about a month ago and I fell in love with them all over again. It had been a while since I'd heard any of their music but after the concert, I went home and downloaded it all. I definitely think that they are a new and upcoming band that is going to really thrive in this industry one day just because I think that their music is so great. Start Over Again is currently my favourite, but this is also changing constantly. It came out a while back but I just think that it is a super cute song. For me, it is the kind of song that I wish was written about me, super cheesy but kind of true. It is just super fun and catchy, and I think that their music definitely has that sort of vibe about it. 
I've Told You Now // Sam Smith
Oh I love Sam Smith, he just has so many amazing songs and I think that he is just so talented. He is one of those artists that I always go to listen to when I don't know who to listen to and right now, this song is my favourite. I just think that he has such a way with lyrics and he has that voice that you try and keep up with, but you just can't. 
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High // Arctic Monkeys
I can't say that I've ever been a huge Arctic Monkeys but when I was looking for something new to listen to, I decided to give them a go. Some of their songs, I'm not overly keen on, but right now, I am loving this one. It is super catchy and I just think that it has a really got beat to it. 
Roll With It // Oasis
I've always grown up listening to old-style music, but for some reason, my mum has always been against Oasis, so I'd never really heard much of their music, but once again, I downloaded their Morning Glory album when I was feeling bored and fell in love with it. The entire album is incredible but I have two current favourite songs that I just think are unreal. Roll With It is a super catchy song, it's got great lyrics and just a great tone to it overall. One thing about Oasis's music is that it just makes me wish that I could play the guitar because the composition of the music and the sound of the guitars in each song are just so prominent to me. I also think that this song kind of has a good message to it, it is a song that I turn to when I am in need of a little motivation or inspiration. Also, it's a song that I recommend you listen to on full volume. 
Champagne Supernova // Oasis
This is their other song that I am currently loving and I actually think that the two contrast each other in some ways. This one is a little slower, a little more relaxing if you will, but I just think that the whole vibe of this song is super chill and it just makes me really happy for absolutely no reason. 

Let me know what you think of these songs and please comment below any song recommendations you have for me!
Grace xx

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