Thursday 25 July 2019


As much as I love Netflix, I can get into such a bad habit of rewatching the same shows over and over again, but right now, I am really trying to change that and try watching some new shows. Although they haven't all been successful, I have found some new favourite shows and so I thought I'd share them all in one post. If you have any more recommendations then please comment them as I am looking for some more new shows to binge-watch over the summer.
Project Runway
I actually had no idea that this was on Netflix until it showed up in my recommend but I have always felt like this was a show that everyone had watched, apart from me, until now. The first season I watched of this, I binged it in about a week, it was so good. If you love shows like the Great British Sewing Bee then you will love Project Runway as I think that they are quite similar. I love how the show is very harsh on some of the contestants, only because, the advice they offer is very useful and motivating to an extent. When I was watching this, I found that I just wanted to sew all the time and create clothing constantly which is great as I think that a show like this can really ignite that creative spark for you. I also like this show as I find that it doesn't always require a lot of attention so if you pop it on in the background as you draw or sew or whatever, it is also really nice. 

Peaky Blinders
This show is honestly something else! It was initially a recommendation from my brother and I'm so glad I got around to watching it. Peaky Blinders is unlike anything I have ever watched before, it is set in the early 20th century, in Birmingham and it focuses on the Peaky Blinders family. There is a lot to do with crime, scandal and corruption which is so interesting to watch because although all of it isn't historically accurate, it is just so well put together that you feel like it happened. I will also point out, Thomas Shelby played by Cillian Murphy is perhaps the sexiest yet most complex character ever, honestly, he makes the show. I definitely think that this show has something for everyone in it, so if you want a unique watch then I would highly recommend giving this a try. Just as a warning though before you watch this show, moments of it are quite graphic and explicit due to the time period (post WW2) and the characters. It could also be triggering for some people dealing with PTSD or depression as there are a lot of scenes dealing with traumatic events as well as an attempted suicide later on in the show, so please consider that before you watch. 
The Society
I watched this show when it first came out and I demolished it. The concept of is intrigued me massively and it did not disappoint. I know a few people who have watched it and there are some mixed feelings about it but I think you've just got to give it all of your attention and really engage with it, and you will love it. I don't really want to spoil the show but it basically revolves around one year group in high school being trapped in their town. It is really interesting to watch the characters develop as you watch the show. What I love about this show are the questions it raises, particularly about morality and democracy. When this year group is stranded in their town all alone, they consider who gets put in charge, what powers they have, who they work with yet there is a lot of scandals that has got to be dealt with also. Questions appear about the death penalty, about wealth, about science and it is just really fascinating to see how everything unfolds. I really hope I have inspired you to watch this show as it is probably one of the best I have watched all year and it has also been renewed for a second season in 2020 which I am so excited about as the show was left on quite a cliff hanger. 

Fresh Prince of Bel Air
This is the sort of show that you can watch anywhere, at any point. I have loved this show for so long and when it was taken off of Netflix at the start of the year, I was devastated, but they have brought it back and I honestly couldn't be happier. This is definitely a classic comedy to me and I think it is a show that everyone should watch. It is so fun, absolutely hilarious and it is just the sort of show that you know is going to cheer you up. I love that the episodes are quite short as it definitely makes it easy to binge-watch but I just don't think that there is a show like this anymore. 
Sex Education
I have been recommended to watch this show since it first came out and now that I have finally gotten around to it, I can see why people love it. It is definitely a typical coming of age, British TV series but I honestly love it. I will say that I am only a few episodes in, but so far, I am really like it, just for something to watch in the background. It is definitely a weird concept when you first watch some of the plots evolve but I also think that it is a funny show yet it manages to discuss serious topics also. 

Please comment below if you have any other Netflix recommendations, I would love to watch something new. 
Grace xx


  1. I have actually never watched any of thesse so I'm definitely going to check all of them out, especially Project Runway and Peaky Blinders because I have been thinking of watching them both for a while and you have persuaded me! x

    Erin // Everything Erin

    1. I definitely think that you will love both of them, let me know if you do watch them!xx

  2. I could never get into Peaky Blinders! Maybe I'll have to give it another go x
    Amber |

    1. That's such a shame, I was hooked from the start!xx
