Monday 1 July 2019


In case I don't tell you all enough, I am in year 12, about to go into year 13 which mean not only ALevels and 18th birthday parties, but also deciding what on earth I am doing. I'm not sure about anyone else's sixth form/ college but mine is particularly pushy on university and although my heart isn't 100% into it, I will definitely be applying this. I could have told you that six months ago, but what I wouldn't have been able to tell you was what I was going to apply to study and I guess that's what this post is all about. Whether it is something like university courses or Alevel subjects or career paths, the majoirty of us are going to be torn between two or more options and so although I'm not the wisest (or most desicive), I thought I'd share some of the things that helped me choose a university course. Majority of these points are probably going to be focused around university but they are quite transferable to your own personal scenario, so hopefully, all of you could take something from this. 
Also, just in case you care about the university course decision making I went through, I'm thinking of doing a dedicated post on it very soon (I actually mean it)

1. Do some further research
I feel like with any decision, a well-educated one is the best way to guarantee that you won't have regrets. For me, I found that by researching each university course in depth as well as getting a first-hand experience of my options, through subject talks and sample lectures, was the best way for me to see the transparency of each option. It allowed me to view things in a different perspective as well as giving me the ability to imagine myself going with either option and what the implications of each one would be. More often than not, nothing will appear as it seems and so by doing that extra bit of research, looking up reviews, finding out further details, it will generally help you see perhaps the flaws or perks that you wouldn't have found out if you hadn't researched. 

2. Weight each one up
Nothing can beat a good pros and cons list, it helps you to see the balance of each option, whether one really is perfect because more often than not, it won't be and instead, you will have to prioiritise what matters most on each of those lists. You don't necessarily have to write it down, just think about it, when you think of pros, which one option jumps out as being very rewarding, then think about the cons of that option and see whether your other option outweights you first one, prioritise what it most important to you whether that is working hours, cost, ways of examination etc. Don't forget to look at the bigger pictures...I'm moving onto that later. 

3. Get a range of opinions
Obviously, when making a decision that affects you and only you, it is your feelings that matter most, having said that, hearing other opinions can also really benefit you. Ask the people closest to you, the people who know you best, what they really think of your options and which one you should choose. There is a fine line between choosing something to please someone or choosing it because someone has made you realise it's the best choice for you, and that is obviously accustomed to each person, but really put yourself first and prioritise what you feel. Other people's opinions should guide you, not force you if you get what I'm saying. You are definitely going to want people who are brutally honest though, whether you want to hear it or not, you might just need someone to tell you 'I don't think this is right for you'. Then again, on the alternate side, if someone tells you they don't think you can do it then maybe that may give you the boost you needed to prove them wrong and go with what you feel. No matter the outcome of hearing other people's opinions, it should definitely push you in the right direction and maybe even give you the last bit of motivation you needed.

4. Listen to your heart
This was obviously going to make this list because as ridiculous as it can sound, it couldn't be more true. I don't know about you, but I have definitely found myself going with my head and not my heart which I have now had to pay the price for, so don't make my mistake. Chose something you've got your heart in, it might narrow down your options or it might even dictate what you're going to chose. When you pick something you've got your heart in, it is going to be rewarding, motivting and it's going to make you happy. I feel like this goes with hearing other people's opinions, because hearing what others think may make defensive or happy about being told something, allowing you to notice that, that is what you've got your heart set on. 

5. Look at it from every angle
It is difficult to look at something close to you from an objective or distant perspective, but it is always worth a try. Look at it from your peers' point of view. What will they think of you? How will they treat you? Would that affect your decision? Look at it from your family's point of view. Will they be worried about you? Do they have major concerns for you? Does that mean this option isn't perfect for you? All of these questions are worth answering when you put yourself in someone else's positon. Once again, don't let someone force you or pressure you into something, don't feel the need to please someone, but do think about the hyperthetical external consequences of each of your options as that may also help you decide. 

6. Think about the future
To me, this is super important when making a decision. Will I regret this? Will it be worth it? Will I grow from this? All of these things you want to ask yourself and be honest with yourself. If you genuinely think that you are going to regret doing something then make the decision now and save yourself that feeling of 'what if..'. Think about in five years time, where will you be? what will you have learnt? do you think you will feel motivated and grateful or regretful and disappointed? It is always difficult to think about the long term consequences of your decisions, but put some time and thought into your future and maybe that will guide you as to what is both rewarding in the short and long term.

I really hope I haven't missed out anything major in this post but hopefully, it has maybe helped or motivated some of you to make your important decisions. Let me know what you think!
Grace xx

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